[Download] Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Secur (IEEE Press Series on Information and Communication Networks Security) de Lin Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Secur (IEEE Press Series on Information and Communication Networks Security) de Lin
Descripción - Reseña del editor This book is a complete, single information source of techniques for complex security and privacy issues in vehicular ad hoc networks * Take a cooperative approach towards addressing the technology s challenges of security and privacy issues * Explores interdisciplinary methods by combining social science, cryptography, and privacy enhancing technique * Richly illustrated with detailed designs and results for all approaches used * Introduces standardization and industry activities, and government regulation in secure vehicular networking Contraportada Unlike any other book in this area, this book provides innovative solutions to security issues, making this book a must read for anyone working with or studying security measures. Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Security and Privacy mainly focuses on security and privacy issues related to vehicular communication systems. It begins with a comprehensive introduction to vehicular ad hoc network and its unique security threats and privacy concerns and then illustrates how to address those challenges in highly dynamic and large size wireless network environments from multiple perspectives. This book is richly illustrated with detailed designs and results for approaching security and privacy threats. Additional features of this book include: An introduction to standardization and industry activities as well as government regulation in secure vehicular networking Eight novel secure and privacy-preserving schemes for vehicular communications Explorations into interdisciplinary methods by combining social science, cryptography, and privacy enhancing technique The authors have taken a non-traditional method toward securing communications, allowing for new research directions in security and privacy in VANETs, which will be helpful to students, researchers, and IT practitioners. Biografía del autor Xiaodong Lin is an Associate Professor at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology in the Department of Business and Information Technology, Canada. He received his PhD in electrical and computer engineering at the University of Waterloo, Canada, and was awarded Outstanding Achievement in Graduate Studies at the PhD level. His research interests include wireless communications and network security, computer forensics, software security, and applied cryptography. Rongxing Lu is an Assistant Professor at Nanyyang Technological University in the School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, and an IEEE and IEEE ComSoc member. He received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. His research interests include wireless network security, applied cryptography, and system security and data forensics.
Vehicular ad hoc networks introduction, standards ventures in adhoc network, dynamic restructuring needs to be handled by the underlying network 7 for this, the network should send the information through other nodes of the system to perform the communication among any pair of nodes a wireless adhoc network is an adhoc network in which all communication links are wireless Vehicular ad hoc network security and privacy ieee press it begins with a comprehensive introduction to vehicular ad hoc network and its unique security threats and privacy concerns and then illustrates how to address those challenges in highly dynamic and large size wireless network environments from multiple perspectives Vehicle ad hoc networks communication protocols for vehicular ad hoc networks veng security of wireless ad hoc networks duration wireless ad hoc network introduction duration
A tutorial survey on vehicular ad hoc networks ieee abstract there has been significant interest and progress in the field of vehicular ad hoc networks over the last several years vanets comprise vehicletovehicle and vehicletoinfrastructure communications based on wireless local area network technologies the distinctive set of candidate applications eg, collision warning and local traffic information for drivers, resources licensed Ad hoc networks ieee conferences, publications, and ad hoc networks information on ieees technology navigator start your research here ad hoc networksrelated conferences, publications, and organizations Vehicular adhoc network wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre una red adhoc vehicular, habitualmente referida por su acrónimo en inglés vanet, es un tipo de red de comunicación que utiliza a los vehículos como nodos de la reddado el reducido alcance del canal de comunicación hasta 1 km, la conectividad se establece de forma esporádica adhoc 1 por este motivo, estas redes se consideran un tipo específico de red móvil de comunicación
Detalles del Libro
- Name: Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Secur (IEEE Press Series on Information and Communication Networks Security)
- Autor: Lin
- Categoria: Libros,Ciencias, tecnología y medicina,Transporte y automóviles
- Tamaño del archivo: 10 MB
- Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
- Idioma: Español
- Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE
[Download] Vehicular Ad Hoc Network Secur (IEEE Press Series on Information and Communication Networks Security) de Lin libros ebooks
Vehicular ad hoc networks vanets challenges and abstract vehicular ad hoc network vanet, a subclass of mobile ad hoc networks manets, is a promising approach for future intelligent transportation system its these networks have no fixed infrastructure and instead rely on the vehicles themselves to provide network functionality however, due to mobility constraints, driver behavior, and high mobility, vanets exhibit characteristics Mobile ad hoc network wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre las mobile ad hoc network denominadas también manet como acrónimo de mobile ad hoc network en algunas ocasiones denominada también como malla de nodos móviles mobile mesh network, se trata de una red de dispositivos conectados por wireless y que poseen propiedades de autoconfiguración, además de poseer cierta movilidad es decir se encuentran montados en plataformas móviles Vehicular adhoc network wikipedia vehicular adhoc networks vanets are created by applying the principles of mobile ad hoc networks manets the spontaneous creation of a wireless network of mobile devices to the domain of vehicles vanets were first mentioned and introduced in 2001 under cartocar adhoc mobile communication and networking applications, where networks can be formed and information can be relayed
Resource management in vehicular adhoc networks energy submission deadline 31 january 2017 ieee access invites manuscript submissions in the area of resource management in vehicular adhoc networks energy management, communication protocol and future applications vehicular adhoc network vanet is a wireless communications technology which holds the characteristics of adhoc networks Security issues in vehicular ad hoc network a critical a vehicular ad hoc network or vanet is a new and advanced approach for communication between vehicles while running on the roads this has drawn the attention of many researchers vanet is very helpful in enhancing the safety of the vehicles, passengers and drivers, and the management of traffic using realtime traffic information Vehicular ad hoc networks research papers academiaedu view vehicular ad hoc networks research papers on academiaedu for free
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